Usability design of machinery and operation systems. 3 principles we hold dear.

Have you ever wondered why a certain precast concrete machine has been designed as it is? Or why your feedback is so valuable for further development? In this blog, I will tell you the background and the most important aspects of the usability design of Elematic precast machinery and operation system
Whenever we develop existing machinery or innovate something completely new, our main goal is to provide you with optimal solutions that will result in more efficient precast production. In addition to high-quality production as well as efficiently functioning and safe-to-use machinery, the user interface is a crucial component, because nothing happens without it. Hence, we pay special attention to its design. That is why we have set up three principles to follow when designing and developing them.

1. Easy to use and quick to learn
As a precaster, you are always seeking for ways to improve the cost-efficiency of your precast production and factory operations. The user-friendliness of the machinery is a crucial factor in reaching the goal. Hence, we have designed the interfaces of Elematic machinery as easy to use and learn as possible.
Think about a smart phone; when you know how to use one model, it is highly likely that you can intuitively master other phones as well. Our aim is that the user interface of Elematic machinery can be used as intuitively as the phone. We have developed the newer user interface based on your feedback and production requirements. Plotter E9 is the first machine that is equipped with it. The idea is that if you know how to use one machine, you would easily grasp the functions of the other as well.
This speeds up introduction times to new employees, because it is easier and quicker to provide guidance on how to use something that is close to daily used smart phones.

2. Visualization of the production
The user-friendliness of the machinery and operation systems is boosted with visualized production information. Different colors and visual elements have been added to the user interfaces, instead of the previously used simple graphics. This change has enabled efficient visualization, which means that you always have real-time situational awareness of the production. To exemplify, from the screen of Plotter E9, you can monitor the current production in a graphical format. The interface simulates directly on the screen what the Plotter is drawing at that given moment. Hence, you can quickly make changes to the production if needed.
In addition to visualized production, you can use the collected data for planning, monitoring and analyzing the production of the entire factory. It enables seeing whether the plan and execution goes hand in hand, and if something should be changed. The mobile technology also enables remote access and analytics, which further eases controlling and analyzing the production quality and efficiency.
3. Modularity
Of course, every single precast plant and its production requirements are unique; hence, it is important that the machinery can be optimized for the environment. The same applies no matter of the age of your factory, because updates and modifications should be easy to do during the entire life cycle of the machine.
Seamlessly functioning production is vital for every precast factory, but so is the usability of the software. We have done a lot of work with the best professionals in the industry to make the machinery and systems as simple and user-friendly as possible. We also appreciate your feedback, because nobody knows your factory and its requirements better than you do. If you have any ideas on how to further develop the usability design of precast machinery and operation system, we would be happy to hear your comments.

Jouni Sirkka
Product Development Director